News from the Valley of Salem
Valley of Salem Massachusetts
Salem Masonic Apartments
70 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970
All contents  © 2011-to present Valley of Salem.  All rights reserved.

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News from the Valley of Salem

Brother David Lylse Cross, 32° MSA

by Valley of Salem on 12/22/24

I am sorry to report that Brother David Lylse Cross, 32° MSA, died on 12/17/2024. 

Many of you may have known Bro. Cross through his involvement in Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, Shriners and so many more organizations (including the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts.)

For those who didn't know him, he was a really fine man - a true gentleman. He loved our fraternity, and devoted a lot of his life to it.

In addition to being a Life Member of Grand Lodge, he was a Life Member of Scimitar Lodge, as well a member of Philanthropic Lodge (his primary lodge), and St. John's Lodge. He was raised in Wayfarers Lodge in Swampscott on April 6, 1961. (Wayfarers Lodge merged with Philanthropic Lodge.) He was a Life Member in the Valley of Salem and the Valley of Boston. He was a Freemason for 63 years.

A celebration of life will be held at Murphy Funeral Home, 85 Federal Street, Salem, MA at 11:00 AM on Friday, December 27, 2024. Calling hours will precede the service starting at 9:00 AM, with a Masonic Funeral ceremony at 10:30 AM.

For the full obituary, visit

Rest in Peace Brother Cross.

Valley of Salem Family Life Event - Frasier Field

by Valley of Salem on 07/10/24

Come join us for a night of Base Ball!

When: July 25th 5:30pm
Where: Frasier Field Lynn, MA

Buffet provide and tickets to the game!
Cost: $15 per adult/$10 per child

For more information contact Tim Doane or Cell 978-873-0604

To RSVP, email or call our secretary, at 978-804-7143.

MENUHamburgers/Cheeseburgers, Frasier Franks, Italian Sausage, Pizza
Pasta Salad, Pickles, Chips, popcorn, ice cream, waters, soda, sports drinks

Save the Date Spring Class

by Valley of Salem on 02/13/21

Mark your calendars, hopefully, the Spring Class is on the horizon on April 10, 2021. Currently, plans are for the class to take place in person at Grand Lodge, but with the ongoing pandemic plans are very fluid and can change at any moment. Should they change, we will notify you promptly with the most up to date information.

Abbott Scholarship Application Open

by Valley of Salem on 02/13/21

The Leon M. Abbott Scholarship application for the 2021-2022 School Year is open! It helps students connected to the fraternity to continue their education to better themselves and our world. Ill? Leon M. Abbott was a member from the Valley of Boston, the Thrice Potent Master of Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection from 1904 to 1906, and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction from 1921 to 1932. 
Our scholarships are investments in the future of both our country and fraternity. Students are eligible if they meet any of the following criteria: 
  • A Scottish Rite Mason of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction who is in good standing
  • A student directly related (bloodline or by legal means) to a Scottish Rite Mason in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction or a member of a youth organization sponsored by the Masonic fraternity in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction who is:
  • A high school senior, currently accepted at an accredited trade school who has attained a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
  • A high school senior, or undergraduate, or graduate student currently enrolled at an accredited college or university.
Applicants should send it to their sponsor’s home valley(where they hold their 4°). Applications can be found below and are due by March 31, 2021.

US Surgeon General and Top Epidemiologist Address Our Fraternity

by Valley of Salem on 03/25/20

Special Presentation for NMJ Members by
Brother Oscar Alleyne, 33°, DrPH, MPH
Dr. Jerome Adams, Surgeon General of the United States
David A. Glattly, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander

Live on Facebook
Thursday, March 26 
7:00 pm (ET) 

Spring Class Degrees of the Day

by Valley of Salem on 02/07/20

The Spring “Jacques DeMolay” class is coming up quickly on Saturday, April 4, 2020, at Grand Lodge in Boston. 

Throughout the day, the different bodies will be putting on degrees to exemplify the ideals of Scottish Rite. The 12°, Master of Mercy, teaches forgiveness, compassion, and brotherly love. The 15°, Knight of the East, emphasizes the importance of loyalty and fidelity to all of our beliefs and obligations. Knight of the Rose Croix, the 18°, reveals the message of the new law of love and instructs us to prepare a temple in our hearts.

VETERANS: Defender of Peace and Freedom Veterans Recognition Program

by Valley of Salem on 11/11/19

The Sammy Lee Davis, Defender of Peace and Freedom veterans recognition program is offered to Scottish Rite, NMJ, to members honorably discharged from the United States Military or Uniformed Services. 

Veterans will receive a custom-designed pin and certificate to commemorate their military service and to honor their dedication to the core values of 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry. All veteran members are encouraged to go to the member center on the website and update the record of their military service if they have not done so already. Pin and certificate distribution will be managed at the Valley level.

Watch this video for complete details: 

Scholarships Available

by Valley of Salem on 01/25/19

Scottish Rite and Masonry, in general, is dedicated to helping our youth afford higher education, and we realize that with the ever-rising costs of colleges and universities, applying for multiple scholarships is a necessity! 

Every year several scholarships become available for the youth of the Masonic community, and it is once again that time of year. Below, several different scholarships are listed that you, or a child or family member may be eligible for. Criteria for each scholarship is different, so be sure to read them carefully and apply before the deadline! 

Don’t forget to investigate your Masonic District or Lodge, as many local organizations have a scholarship of their own. 

Happy Independence Day

by Valley of Salem on 07/04/18

The officers and members of the Scottish Rite Valley of Salem wish you and your family a safe and happy Fourth of July!

George Washington - Master Mason and President

by Valley of Salem on 02/16/18

Excerpts From The Rite Times:

On Monday, February 19, 2018, our country celebrates the birthday of our first President, George Washington. While the whole country has a stake in this historic day we, as masons, have a special bond with the father of our nation. 

President Washington was also Brother Washington, having joined the Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1752 at the age of 20.  

Many masonic lodges will pay tribute to Brother Washington with a special masonic ceremony specifically to honor him. 

New Scottish Rite Web Site

by Valley of Salem on 01/23/18

Supreme Council's New Website! 

The Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is finished updating their website! The new site is aimed to be more streamlined and user-friendly for members! This new site can be found at the same web address but looks much different.
This new site offers members many new opportunities. These include: the ability to update personal information, view the history of the degrees you have attended, and pay your dues online in an easier manner. Additionally, you will have access a vast database of members-only content and the upcoming discussion forum.
Registering for the new site is a quick process that can be done through this link! If you need any assistance in registering for the site, please reference this blog post which will take you through the steps!

Rest In Peace Brother John Haraden Day, Jr.

by Valley of Salem on 12/12/17

It is with deep sadness that I report of the passing of Right Worshipful John Haraden Day, Jr., 33°  He died Friday, December 8, 2017 around 4:00 a.m., just days after his 66th birthday. He was very recently diagnosed with an advanced cancer. 

His obituary chronicled his Masonic career. "An active and outstanding Mason, John dedicated his life to Freemasonry. He was a member and Past Master of the John T Heard Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Ipswich, Past Master of Amity-Mosaic Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Danvers, Past Master of Columbian Lodge A.F. & A.M. in Boston and Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 10th Masonic District of Massachusetts. He was also a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Boston and Valley of Salem, the Shriner's Aleppo Temple in Wilmington and the York Rite College."

Rest In Peace Brother.

Mason Russell to receive 33°

by Valley of Salem on 12/08/17

We are happy to share that Brother Mason Russell was elected by the Supreme
Council to be coroneted as a Sovereign Grand Inspector General when the Supreme Council gathers in 2019 in Milwaukee. Mason has done a lot for our Valley in particular as well as for all of Freemasonry in general. Congratulations
to him.

George Haile elected to receive Meritorious Service Award

by Valley of Salem on 07/07/17

On June 21, the Massachusetts Council of Deliberation elected three members of Massachusetts Consistory to receive their Meritorious Service Awards. Brothers Robert G. Parsons, 32°, George K. Haile, 32°, and George H. Kopps, 32°, were all elected to receive the award. 

Brother Parsons is a member of the Valley of Lowell. Brother Haile is active in the Valley of Salem. Brother Kopps belongs to the Valley of the Merrimack. All three men are members of Massachusetts Consistory. 
The Meritorious Service Award is the highest award a Valley can bestow on a member and the Valley of Boston congratulates these Brethren on the recognition they have received for their hard work. We look forward to their continued work in the Fraternity in the years to come.

2017 Abbott Scholarships Available

by Valley of Salem on 01/17/17

Applications for this year's Abbott Scholarship are officially available! The Abbott Scholarship is named after Leon M. Abbott, Sovereign Grand Commander from 1921-1923. The Scholarship is designed to help further the education of young men and women from Scottish Rite families and Masonic related youth groups. To be eligible for the scholarship you must meet one of the three criteria:
  • Be a Scottish Rite Mason for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
  • Be the child of a Scottish Rite Mason in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
  • Be an active member of DeMolay, Rainbow, or Job's Daughters in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Applicants can find the form through the link below, and should submit their paperwork to the Valley where they hold their 4° no later than March 31, 2017. This Scholarship has helped give out more than $3 million to applicants since its inception.

John Belanger Presented MSA

by Valley of Salem on 12/10/16

On Friday, December 9, John Belanger was presented the Scottish Rite 
Meritorious Service Award. In accepting the award, Brother Belanger said, "I want to thank all my brothers in Masonry for the support given to me, and have enjoyed working with all of you." Pictured from left to right are Most Wise Master of the Emmanuel Chapter of Rose Croix, Jonathan Morley, John Belanger, MSA, and the Deputy for Massachusetts, Illustrious Donald Michael Moran. 

Family Life Event and Ladies Night

by Valley of Salem on 05/20/16

All members of The Valley of Salem, their families and friends
are invited to this special event featuring North Shore Acappella. 

Social Period with and Hors d’Oeuvres and great company starts at 5:30 p.m. 
At 6:30 p.m. it's a  Fried Shrimp Dinner, and then at 7:30 p.m. NORTH SHORE ACAPPELLA will entertain. The cost for this event is $25.00 per person.

Celebration of Life for Brother Douglas M. Broughton

by Valley of Salem on 04/07/16

Service Information
A Celebration of Doug's life.
Saturday, April 09, 2016
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Philanthropic Masonic Hall
62 Pleasant Street
Marblehead, MA 01945

New Leadership

by Valley of Salem on 10/03/15

The new heads of the Valley of Salem with the Installing team at the Valley Installation of Officers, September 19, 2015. L-R: Ill.?.Donald M. Moran, Installing Officer – Deputy for Massachusetts, Bro. Mason W. Russell, Most Wise Master, Emmanuel Chapter of Rose Croix, Bro. Dana Lemieux, 32?, Sovereign Prince, Jubilee Council, Princes of Jerusalem, Ill.?.Judson W. Greene, 33?, Thrice Potent Master, Sutton Lodge of Perfection, Ill.?.John H. Day, Jr., 33?, Convening Officer and the newest Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33?, Honorary Member of the Supreme Council, from the Valley of Salem, and the Master of Ceremonies, Ill.?. Mark C. LeBeau, 33?, Past Thrice Potent Master, Sutton Lodge of Perfection.

New Book on Masonic Aprons

by Valley of Salem on 06/13/15

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library is pleased to announce that its new book, The Badge of a Freemason: Masonic Aprons from the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, is available.

The book may be purchased online for $39.95 (plus shipping and tax, if applicable).The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library is pleased to announce that its new book, The Badge of a Freemason: Masonic Aprons from the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, is available.

The book may be purchased online for $39.95 (plus shipping and tax, if applicable).

“We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members.”
Our Mission
  • Provide Inspiration for our members through meaningful programs and degrees.
  • Provide Convenient opportunities for our members to enhance their lives.
  • Provide Enjoyable programs and fellowship activities for our members.
January 10, 2025
Emmanuel Chapter of Rose Croix